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Career, Uncategorized

Business Trip and Job Possibilities

Pikes Peak, Colorado Springs Career thoughts this week will be brief. I took a business trip to Colorado Springs for a few days. It is amazing how fast the weather changes there. Driving up Pikes Peak (a 14,000 ft mountain) was enthralling. The road is a mixture of asphalt and dirt without guard rails. Even though the weather was pleasant going up, when I reached the top it completely changed. As if I wasn’t supposed to be up there, a storm rolled in on que and it started hailing and lightning filled the sky. Although somewhat concerned, I was excited to see such magnificence in motion. 

Okay, back on my Japan job search. I found through the Japan Times website links that led me to more interesting job postings around the Tokyo area. I took all the postings that would be relevant to the experience I have through related education and work and copied the brief exerpt to Microsoft Word for easy reference. I also began tweeking my resume for a current copy that I will submit with the job announcements tomorrow. It’s difficult to find an exact match of my skills, but they’re close enough. I just wish that I knew someone there who I could network with. People usually hire people they know. 

I am not expecting some immense response to emerge from the submission of my resume, but I have to get my name and experience out there.  


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