

Admin has written 17 posts for Japan-go

I Think I May Have Lost All My Skills

It has been a few years now since my last Japanese class. Since then, I have had kids and my job keeps me really busy. We bought a few children’s books in Japanese and since it is written in hiragana, I thought I could at least read that to my children before they go to … Continue reading

After the Disaster

I am amazed at the resilience of the Japanese people. I talked with someone who interfaces with search and rescue teams from the U.S. on a regular basis. He was saying that when the rescuers that went to Japan returned, they couldn’t stop talking about how incredible the Japanese people were. They were also involved … Continue reading

Career guidance

  I called the career guidance office of my university. I talked with Wendy who gave me some good advice on how to spruce up my resume and target my job search. I told her of my goal of getting to Japan by September of 2007. Several posts on this site have been of great … Continue reading

Falling behind

Class is getting difficult this term. I am realizing more and more how tough the teacher is for absences and tardies. Since I missed last weeks class, it appears that I won’t be able to make up the assignments. This week is our first test which I don’t know what to expect. I’ll hope for … Continue reading


I am working on a webpage with links to career postings in Japan. It’s slowly coming along, I’ll update everyone on the progress. It will eventually be posted on

Weekend Trip

Last weekend I went to Descanso Gardens in Los Angeles. Descanso was open to the public in the 1950’s after the owner of the 100+ acre property sold it to the county of Los Angeles for a rediculously small amount of money. It is a beautiful garden full of amazing flora. Recommended seeing during this … Continue reading

3rd Japanese class of the term

There is much to be said about the difference people have noticed in my Japanese skill within the past 3 weeks (since school started again). Not only have I refreshed my skills in hiragana and katakana but I am finally starting to learn Kanji. Kanji is based off the traditional chinese writing system. It is … Continue reading

Customer Service

 Customer service in the U.S. has become a bad….naughty word. Most people have at least one horror story locked in their memory. Traditionally, customer service was about servicing the customer….”customer is always correct” attitude. Today, you have to fight your way like crazy to get even a shred of credibility with the operators. Many mistakes over billing for … Continue reading


 Working for someone else has its advantages and disadvantages. For instance, one advantage may be job security and a mostly guaranteed paycheck every pay period. The downside is that there is plenty of politics involved. The company I work for now does logistics analysis and acquisitions. It is common to see people trying to inch … Continue reading

Checking out other Japanese blogs

It would have never dawned on me to check other blogs of expatriates living in Japan until now…duh. I found so many of these blogs most of them dedicated to the intricate details of their life in Tokyo or teaching English and drinking/partying during their off times. While this is all great information for its … Continue reading